
Land and Legacy investigates the University of Virginia’s and UVA Foundation’s land development and expansion throughout Charlottesville and Albemarle County since the 1980s. In light of UVA’s 2030 plan to be “Great and Good,” Land and Legacy examines how these developments have affected local communities, and place these impacts in dialogue with UVA’s public narratives.

The Praxis Program

Land and Legacy was created by the 2019-2020 Praxis cohort. Praxis is a project of the Scholars’ Lab at the University of Virginia Library. It reimagines graduate methodological training for the demands of the humanities in the digital age. Each year, the Praxis Program funds a team of five or six UVA graduate students from a variety of disciplines to apprentice with the Scholars’ Lab. Under the guidance of Scholars’ Lab faculty and staff, Praxis Fellows receive intensive training in digital methods and tools in the fall and collaborate to design and create a full-fledged digital humanities project or software tool in the spring. The 2019-2020 cohort was encouraged to create a digital project in the spirit of the Charlottesville Regional Equity Atlas.

The members of the 2019-2020 cohort are:

Special Thanks

We could not have created Land and Legacy without the assistance, guidance, and support of staff at the UVA Library Scholars’ Lab. We especially want to thank the following:

This project also benefited immensely from numerous scholars and community leaders outside the Scholars’ Lab. Our sincere and wholehearted thanks goes out to the following:

How to Best Experience Stories

To answer our research questions, we created three sequential stories. These are best experienced on a device with a large screen. If you have privacy trackers or ad blockers, you may not be able to view our stories on this website. If you would prefer not to disable your tracker or blocker, you can instead view the stories directly on the ARCGIS website: Foundations, Investment, and Legacy.

Copyright & Suggested Citation

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. “Archival images and other works created by third parties and incorporated in this site are not subject to the CC license for this site, which applies only to the material authored by the Praxis Program members. Information about the creator and/or copyright holder for third-party material is included wherever possible. Some works are presumed to be in the public domain due to their age. In-copyright works are reproduced in reliance on fair use. Any reuse of these images is at the user’s own risk.”

If your style guide prefers a single bibliography entry for this resource, we recommend:

If your style guide insists on author names, then we suggest: